MSG Using AWS Services to Provide Reliable and Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery Solution



Executive Summary


Mitra Sistematika Global (MSG) is a company that providing various technology solution including Enterprise Grade software and tailor-made application. One of this solution is offered as a service to customer and will required high Services Level Agreement (SLA). With the intense competition in the market, MSG must provide best user experience while maintaining price competitiveness.


For the specific project, MSG worked with PT. Berca Hardayaperkasa (BHp) to provide tailored-made IoT Solution with the main function as a centralize management of city/region street lighting system. This solution run in hybrid deployment model with the main datacenter in Hosted Private Cloud and the disaster recovery in the AWS Cloud.


About the Customers


MSG main business focus is providing various technology solution, some of the solution are:


  • Biometric Recognition
  • Data Insight
  • Document Management & Security
  • Mobility Solution
  • Internet of Thing
  • Asset Management


These solution needs to be installed, configured and integrated. Meanwhile some of the solution is custom build and tailored specific to customer needs and provided to customer as a service. The deployment model can be in various model, including CAPEX, OPEX in on-premises, Hosted Private Cloud, Managed Services or run in Public Cloud using AWS Cloud.


Most of MSG customer is Public Services, State Institution and Government Ministry. This mean the user experience and availability of the services is critical.


Customer Challenge


Mitra Sistematika Global is committed to continuous protect their critical application to serve better SLA for it customers, PT Mitra Sistematika Global realize three things quickly during their daily operations: any application system can crash; anyone can make errors; and disasters seem to happen when you least expect it or are least prepared for it. Hence, Disaster recovery system are essential parts of running a successful business.


It’s important for PT. Mitra Sistematika Global to plan ahead and put Disaster Recovery systems into place in case the worst happens, well before it happens. Successful Disaster Recovery systems are accomplished by using an offsite server or separate drives to store your massive amounts of information.


Without putting these systems in place, data recovery becomes difficult resulting in loss of information when the worst happens. PT. Mitra Sistematika Global realize if they don’t have any Disaster Recovery system the cost of a complete data loss can cost thousands or even millions of dollars. The loss of data triggers a snowball effect from which many businesses are unable to recover. And other impact for their business they can loss their customer turst, loss their market share and the worst are they loss of Client.




Now days PT. Mitra Sistematika Global hosting their services in datacenter colocation, with this solution, they still have issue to manage their infrastructure and cost of their infrastructure.


With that issue, they chose to implement their Disaster Recovery system in amazon web services (AWS) to simplify manage their infrastructure, and manage cost for disaster recovery system. PT. Mitra Sistematika Global saw that running on AWS would give them a more highly available architecture, Infrastructure, support 3rd party application and other principal integration at a better price.


Why the customer choose Partner


Berca Hardayaperkasa has more than 40 years experience in serving valuable customers, from small businesses to enterprise and global customers in various industries throughout Indonesia. PT. Berca Hardayaperkasa provides secure data centers from on premise to cloud, from core data centers to end users computing in various environments; from system software to application software; from monolithic application types to micro services in various types of APIs; from capex to opex by using cloud to manage business operations models


Berca Hardayaperkasa has more than 20 years experiences in Disaster Recovery Solution and consultancy, not only suggested a solution in terms of the proven Disaster Recovery system, but also recommended the most suitable technology, Infrastructure and maintenance based on PT. Mitra Sistematika Global needs. PT. Berca Hardayaperkasa delivered the implementation DRS for PT. Mitra Sistematika Global critical apps that was in only 5 days.


Partner Solution

PT Berca Hardayaperkasa proposed to utilize AWS Services for PT. Mitra Sistematika Global to gain DRC capability which this solution have several objectives:


  • Enable DRC to maintain business continuity of PT. Mitra Sistematika Global.
  • The DRC Solution require to be cost effective and pay-per-use basis.
  • The DRC Solution can be tested in certain period to ensure that the solution is working in time of need.
  • The DRC Solution have the capability of failback mechanism to the DC.


With those objectives in mind, PT Berca Hardayaperkasa plan to utilize Cloud Endure technology in order to fulfill such requirements. Cloud Endure with its features to be able to create Continuous Data Protection not only enable the DRC solution but also help the customer to have a freedom of on-premise platform.



One of the biggest challenges in deploying continuous data protection is the format of the source compare to the target. Without Cloud Endure technology such CDP may cause some complexity as the source which in this case utilizing VMWare technology are in a different format with the target which utilizing the AWS format. Thus, a help from a tool is required not only to replicate the source but also to convert into appropriate format. This include the capability to do failback from AWS to VMWare.


Cloud Endure also have an interesting approach where the CDP utilize a low cost EC2 Instance + selectable low costs EBS as the staging cluster. This approach enables PT. Mitra Sistematika Global to have a more efficient costs on top of the costs advantages utilizing Cloud technology. In time of need PT. Mitra Sistematika Global also able to do a fire drill, which is to test the DRC solution in a safe manner for a short period of time, while in other situation PT. Mitra Sistematika Global able to failover to AWS in time of need.


If the Failover occurs, Cloud Endure also have the mechanism to failback to the source as PT. Mitra Sistematika Global seems fit or straightly utilizing AWS and move the entire workload as they seems fit. The Customer have the freedom to choose the following steps to fulfill PT. Mitra Sistematika Global business need.



Result and Benefit


Disaster Recovery system allows PT. Mitra Sistematika Global to quickly maintain or resume mission-critical functions following the occurrence of a disaster. Today’s businesses have become more reliant and accustomed to high availability while the tolerance for downtime has significantly decreased. PT. Mitra Sistematika Global realize, a disaster can have devastating effects on their business especially in today’s highly competitive markets. Since it is a high possibility for businesses to fail after experiencing significant data loss, disaster recovery has become an essential part of operations.


Cost is one important component in determining the solution to be used in disaster recovery system, Traditional disaster recovery solutions require a costly set of duplicate IT resources, including hardware, compute, storage, networking, and software licenses. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery replicates your workloads into a low-cost staging area in your preferred AWS Region, which reduces compute costs by 95% and eliminates the need to pay for duplicate OS and third-party application licenses. You pay for fully provisioned workloads only in an actual disaster or drill.


CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is prepared to address the next generation of operational challenges head-on with a comprehensive set of enterprise grade data protection capabilities. Powerful, capable and easy to use,  reduces operational overhead with the flexibility that fits your business and have reliability that you can count on. CLoudEndure delivers powerful Availability to Amazon Web Services (AWS), virtual and physical workloads with a simple, flexible and reliable solution.


To enables sub-second Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs). Automated machine conversion and orchestration enable Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) of minutes. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery provides asynchronous, continuous replication. With this features PT. Mitra Sistematika Global can meet these stringent recovery objectives even for their largest write-intensive workloads. With this Disaster Recovery system from CloudEndure PT. Mitra Sistematika Global can provide better SLA to the customer with 99% system uptime, and make customers feel more secure and comfortable that the system they are using is running well.


Next Step


Mitra Sistematika Global and PT. Berca Hardayaperkasa, will build system IOT and Artificial Intelligent using AWS, to get better performance and to decrease infestation budget. So PT. Mitra Sistematika Global can give better experience to the customer and low pricing with their solution.


About the Partner


Berca Hardayaperkasa is Consulting partner from AWS, Berca Hardayaperkasa (“BHp”) is a leading information communication technology, test measurent and consulting company in Indonesia. We help our valued customers to drive their business growth in the era of digital transformation and industry 4.0 by delivering digital solutions and services which is powered by extensive ecosystems and exploit the power of hyper-converged infrastructure, omni-cloud, IoT/edge computing thru LoRA/4G and 5G networks, measurement and monitoring, cognitive computing and artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, enterprise data management and analytics, enteprise resource planning, business applications and other emerging technologies.


With more than four decades of experiences serving valued customers from small business to enterprise and global customers across vertical industries; secured edge to cloud to core data centers across end user computing environments; from systems software to programming software to application software; from monolithic to micro services type of  applications across different kind of APIs; from capex to opex to cloud to manage operations business models.


PT Berca Hardayaperkasa is committed to become the leading and reputable company in Information Technology, Telecommunication and Measurement Technology in meeting the customers expectation for the quality, reliability and within schedule delivery of its products and services, to achieve the customer satisfaction.