Optimizing Cost Efficiency and Security: PT Sayap Mas Utama’s Infrastructure Migration with AWS


About Customer

PT Sayap Mas Utama stands as a forefront local enterprise, distinguished for its production and distribution of a diverse range of household products, fabric care, personal care items, and food and beverage offerings. Established in 1946, PT Sayap Mas Utama has consistently thrived since its inception. Recognized as one of the largest enterprises in the nation, PT Sayap Mas Utama has not only showcased domestic prowess but has also successfully ventured into international markets with certain products being exported abroad. The company’s enduring success attests to its ability to compete vigorously in both national and global arenas.


Strategic SAP Migration to AWS

In a decisive move, PT Sayap Mas Utama has chosen to transition its SAP application from on-premise infrastructure to Amazon Web Services (AWS). The decision is grounded in AWS’s robust foundational support and a suite of advanced services tailored to bolster the company’s expanding business landscape. Leveraging the AWS EC2 platform, PT Sayap Mas Utama gains a multitude of advantages, including heightened availability, precise cost management, elevated performance, and fortified data security.


Customer Business Challenge: Navigating Spending Control and Infrastructure Costs

PT Sayap Mas Utama requires agile market solutions to effectively support its core business operations. The limitations of their traditional infrastructure pose a challenge in keeping pace with the rapid development of their business, as the costs associated with preparing new physical infrastructure are projected to escalate significantly. Recognizing the imperative to enhance services and drive innovation, PT Sayap Mas Utama aims to stay competitive in an ever-evolving business landscape. Embracing new services and innovations becomes pivotal for the company to secure a leading position in this dynamic era of business advancement.


A Comprehensive Approach to Data Security

PT Sayap Mas Utama data security is essential for building and maintaining trust, complying with regulations, preventing financial losses, and providing peace of mind when interacting with a business. It’s a critical aspect of the overall customer experience and relationship with a company. For this strategic imperative, PT Sayap Mas Utama has chosen to entrust its data to AWS, drawn by the robust Shared Responsibility Model and the myriad of compliance certifications attained by AWS. This deliberate decision reflects the commitment to ensuring the highest standards of data security and regulatory adherence.


Berca Hardayaperkasa Solution for PT Sayap Mas Utama

Leveraging the AWS Landing Zone, PT Sayap Mas Utama strategically enhances its cloud infrastructure deployment. The AWS Landing Zone provides a well-architected foundation, allowing for secure, scalable, and efficient cloud environments. With predefined best practices and configurations, PT Sayap Mas Utama can accelerate the setup of their AWS environment, ensuring a standardized and compliant architecture. This approach not only streamlines the deployment process but also establishes a secure baseline, aligning with industry standards and adhering to the robust security measures inherent in AWS services. By adopting the AWS Landing Zone, PT Sayap Mas Utama optimizes its cloud infrastructure for resilience, security, and efficiency, laying a robust foundation for its evolving business needs in the cloud environment.


Benefit of AWS :

  •   Consistent environments enhance operational efficiency, minimizing configuration errors, while the scalable nature of AWS Landing Zone enables seamless adaptation to evolving business needs.
  •   Integrated compliance and governance controls ensure adherence to industry standards and regulations. The organization gains from robust cost management tools, optimizing resource usage and enhancing financial efficiency.
  •   The architecture’s resilience and high availability contribute to uninterrupted operations, minimizing downtime and improving overall reliability.
  •   Automation and DevOps integration streamline processes, facilitating efficient resource provisioning.
  •   Simultaneously, simplified operations reduce day-to-day management complexities, positioning PT Sayap Mas Utama for a secure, scalable, and future-ready cloud infrastructure aligned with industry best practices, fostering operational excellence.


Why The Customer Choose Berca Hardayaperkasa

PT Berca Hardayaperkasa has more than 40 year’s experiences in serving valuable customers, from small businesses to enterprise and global customers in various industries throughout Indonesia. PT Berca Hardayaperkasa provides secure data centers from on premise to cloud, from core data centers to end users computing in various environments; from system software to application software; from monolithic application types to micro services in various types of APIs; from capex to opex by using cloud to manage business operations models.


About Partner

Berca Hardayaperkasa (“BHp”) is a leading information communication technology, test measurement and consulting company in Indonesia.


We help our valued customers to drive their business growth in the era of digital transformation and industry 4.0 by delivering digital solutions and services which is powered by extensive ecosystems and exploit the power of hyper-converged infrastructure, omni-cloud, IoT/edge computing thru LoRA/4G and 5G networks, measurement and monitoring, cognitive computing and artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, enterprise data management and analytics, enterprise resource planning, business applications and other emerging technologies. With more than four decades of experiences serving valued customers from small business to enterprise and global customers across vertical industries; secured edge to cloud to core data centers across end user computing environments; from systems software to programming software to application software; from monolithic to micro services type of applications across different kind of APIs; from capex to opex to cloud to manage operations business models.


BHp is one of more than 60 operating companies under Central Cipta Murdaya (“CCM”) Group Corporate Management. With six pillars of Line of Business, which are Information Communication Technology, Property, Engineering – Construction – Manufacturing, Natural Resources, Heavy Equipment and Fashion Retail & Manufacturing, CCM operates in different countries like Indonesia, Singapore and USA, and headquarters in Jakarta, and has more than 30,000 employees.